Leaders. What keeps you up at night? Welcome to the C-Suite Spot, the podcast series that expands the traditional term of what a ‘boss’ is to tackle some of the most important issues in business from start-up, through step-up, succession planning and scaling a corporate or global business. Leadership can be lonely. In this series we talk with and learn from inspiring leaders from all walks of life, touching on important topics about how to really live, successful business strategies, overcoming challenges, managing an issue or crisis, getting your company structure right and implementing well, making the tough calls, balancing life and work and getting our priorities right. From business as usual and growing your market to everyday leadership issues or handling 100-year events and everything in between – we aim to provide ongoing inspiration and education and a meeting place for CEOs, founders, management, shareholders and leadership. If you want to say hello or for guest enquiries, please contact emily@thecontentplace.co.nz
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In this episode we discuss workplace productivity, adapting environments in the era dubbed ‘The Great Resignation’ and what leaders can do to future-proof businesses.
We also cover:
- What metric CFOs need to pay more attention to when it comes to office ROI
- The difference in sustainability measures for workspaces in New Zealand versus the world
- Learnings and crystal-ball predictions of what the future workspace will – and must – look like
We hope you enjoy this chat with Emily Svadlenak, Pierre Ferrandon and Tristram Clayton! Make sure to like, rate and subscribe to the c-Suite Spot to stay up-to-date with all our episodes.
About our guest: Pierre Ferrandon
Pierre Ferrandon is an entrepreneur and head of research for Auckland-based Studio DB, a commercial fit-out and design service. He is also the CEO and founder of Omada, a new co-working brand focused on supporting the office industry’s transition to carbon 0. He brings a forward-thinking approach to imagining workspaces, covering everything from improving employee wellbeing and loyalty to increasing sustainability and productivity through great workplace design. With COVID having served as ‘The Great Reset’, office design and functionality is at the forefront of the global conversation and Pierre is passionate about business leaders ensuring they bring their staff with them as life continues to adapt.
Links mentions:
- Office utilisation in NZ post pandemic https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/property/128545446/20-occupied-huge-drop-in-use-of-office-space-nationwide
- 5 work personas of Mckinsey https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-great-attrition-is-making-hiring-harder-are-you-searching-the-right-talent-pools?cid=other-eml-onp-mip-mck&hlkid=c1b857aba7e24e7aa31667cbad43a726&hctky=11820426&hdpid=e0a2bfed-0978-4652-baf2-249614f00d43
- The cost of wasted space https://www.studiodb.co.nz/news/the-cost-of-wasted-space#:~:text=Total%3A%20%241%2C020per%20sqm%20per%20year%20or%20%2415%2C300%20per%20headcount%20per%20year
- Athens chief heat officer https://www.dw.com/en/meet-athens-first-chief-heat-officer/av-62751312
- Office values will drop https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/office-markets-are-the-real-estate-crash-we-need-to-worry-about/2022/09/27/268b53aa-3e50-11ed-8c6e-9386bd7cd826_story.html
- Diversity in workforce requirement and desires relating to the office, The Economist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlQ_4604Xfg – minutes 4:30 to 7 on hybrid work
Connect with Pierre
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pierre-ferrandon-95550a51/
Studio DB: www.studiodb.co.nz/